Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three or Four Tasty Recipes From Today

I had some sweet moments to myself yesterday.
Gloriously, the internet was not working.  (Some days I like to pretend Al Gore never invented the internet.)
So I had some moments to either read or work on crafts. And I chose both.

Here's a bit of something I've been working on.  I looked at it all set out nicely on the floor and decided that, no, I'm not going to just be done.  I'm going to make it bigger.   It was just going to be a lap afghan, but it's looking much more likely to be a size twin when I'm done.
 BonAmi thought he was being helpful.

This next picture isn't necessarily a "recipe."  It's more of a helpful hint.  If you ever need almond flour, don't buy it.  You'll pay at least three times what you could by just making your own.  Buy whole almonds and just grind them in your coffee grinder or food processor and then put through a metal sieve.  There you have it.  Almond flour. 

First recipe of the day sounded really questionable from the title, but is a phenomenal tasty surprise.  It was these cottage cheese muffins with cheddar and scallions. 
 They have the consistency of a quiche or an egg bake.  Million scarfed them down like there was no tomorrow. (He's a huge cottage cheese fan.  We go through about 3 pounds every other week.)
 The next recipe I don't even want to give to anyone, it's so good.  I have great ideas of hosting a picnic in our back yard and putting these babies out for the beverage.  

 Okay...this last one I'll actually include the recipe for, since the original link was in Russian.  (Thank you Google translator.) Macaroons with lemons embedded.
I would maybe make the cookies a little thicker next time, and use 2 egg yolks instead of 1.  And the baking time on the recipe was a little under what I baked them for.  But you'll get the idea.

3/4 C butter
1 T lemon zest
1 C ground almonds
1/2 C powdered sugar
1 C flour
1 T lemon juice

1 egg yolk
3/4 lemon 
sugar for sprinkling
powdered sugar for sprinkling

Cream butter.  Pour in ground almonds, powdered sugar, flour, lemon zest, and lemon juice and mix well.  Divide dough in half and form a sausage with a diameter of 5 cm.  Put in wax paper and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Preheat oven to 355 degrees.Cut the dough into a thickness of 4 mm.  Place on baking sheet and brush with egg yolk.  

Cut the lemon into very thin slices (1 to 2 mm) and put on top of the cookies.  Sprinkle with sugar and bake for 12 to 15 minutes.  Cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.  

And lastly, because he's just so cute, here's our superhero of the day.


  1. You've been home a month and you're all crafty and cooky. It took me a year to take a shower.

    I feel envy.

  2. You know I'm not supposed to be commenting, but.... What she said!

    I like the look of those muffins. Our kids basically only eat cheese. I wonder if they would be fooled by these muffins....
