Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013---The Word Choice Nearly Didn't Happen

I missed the boat on summarizing 2012.
I nearly missed the boat on picking a "word" for 2013.

I didn't start thinking about it until around 10 a.m. this morning, when I finally had a chance to shower, thanks to Michael.

So apparently, my words come from deep and studied reflection.

That's right.  Plural.
I chose two words.

(Gasp! Covering eyes! Can it be done?  Am I breaking some New Years Word-Picking Rule that I'm not aware of?)

I chose the two words "health" and "structure" for 2013.

I am typically the goal-setter and resolution maker.  Sometimes obsessively.
But not this year.
In fact, I think the only thing I have that could be called a goal (which is really more of a desire) is that I would like to run a 5K with Michael this year. And be somewhat close to his "easy" pace of 8 minute miles.

I chose "health" not to emphasize weight loss.  I chose health because I noticed areas in our family's life and daily existence that could use some work.  I recently read an article that suggested that many of our sins creep into our lives as a result of physiological shortcomings: not eating correctly, not getting enough sleep, not handling stress in appropriate ways, not drinking enough water, not exercising.  Lately, I've been struggling with patience and feeling at peace, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that choosing a healthier lifestyle could greatly enhance those two areas of my life.

I chose "structure" because of the word itself.  It's so different than choosing "order", "control", "organization" or "simplicity."
If you think of a structure as a building, a structure requires walls, internally and externally.  And typically if you take one or two of those walls away, your structure is still okay.  It may be a little shakier, but it's still standing.  I'd like that in my life.  I'd like my internal and external walls to be my good intentions and healthy habits for 2013 (which I have yet to nail down officially).  If I end up taking a few away, I'd like to still be standing and in decent shape, relatively satisfied.  Obviously, I could take this metaphor a lot further than I am right now, spiritualizing it with Christ as the foundation for my structure....but Creedence is napping, and I need to seize the opportunity to spend some time with Michael and Million uninterrupted.

Here's to health and structure (and whatever words or goals you have set for yourself) in 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Nope. You broke the cardinal New Year's word rule. Pick one. ;)

    Those are great words and I can deeply identify with the lack of patience...

    Love you!
