Michael and I don't really "do" holidays. We're just not the "I made you a fancy dinner and bought you a present because the calendar says I'm supposed to" kind of people. We buy "presents" for each other and do fancy dinners and celebrate life with each other all year round instead.
But this year since we celebrated Million's birthday, (a birthday celebration---in our house?) I got to thinking about what I could do for Michael for free this Father's Day. This year, we're cutting our budget back tremendously so we can move on to the stage of life that most adults don't achieve until they're too late to enjoy it. Debt-free living.
Here's a puppet that Million "helped" me make for Michael. Notice the fine detailing on the neck-tie. All him.
This year, since Million is actually home, I conducted an interview with him, and he actually answered most of the questions. I left the ones in that he didn't understand/didn't answer in case anyone else wanted to use them. I found this idea all over pinterest and multiple blogs, so it does not originate with me.
My Daddy's name is: _______________________
My Daddy is 2 years old.
His hair is brown and his eyes are brown.
My Daddy's favorite food is yummy-yummy food.
Daddy's favorite color is blue.
My Daddy likes to wear a shirt.
My Daddy's job is riding a bus.
He's smart because he knows _______________.
My Daddy works hard at _______________.
Daddy always tells me "no-no."
I'm happy when Daddy smiles.
I love my Daddy because he's happy.
By Million, age 2.
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