Friday, February 17, 2012

Amos McGee and Consonant Clusters

One of the beautiful blessings of being a stay-at-home mom (a privilege that I don't take lightly) is that I get to see minor changes in Million's development each and every day.
It's seldom that I say "when did he pick that up?" because I know that he didn't know how to do or say such and such a thing the day previous.

I am well aware that I might not be as observant with a second or third child (and it kills the second born/middle child in me every time I think about it.) 

But it is what it is. 

This morning he started saying the "ch" consonant cluster while we read one of our family favorites, A Sick Day for Amos McGee.  

He now likes to go around pretend sneezing.  "Ach-ooooo! Ach-ooo! Amos, Ach-oooo!" 

Million, Michael, and I all love this book.  I love the illustrations and the vocabulary that is less commonly used in children's books (for example, "ambled".)  We've been all snuggling in Mama and Daddy's bed and reading it as a bedtime story after other books (mostly Beatrix Potter books, but some others also.)  Million also has been "reading" it to me in the morning after Michael gets on his bus.  

C.S. Lewis believed that a truly great children's book was one that was enjoyable for an adult, too.  We learned that lesson yesterday, after I checked out a book from the library that Million enjoyed but Michael and I absolutely hated reading to him over...and over....and over... 

Lesson learned.  

One fun thing that I'm planning to do is to check out all of the notable children's books from this year  from our local library to find a few new books we like.  If we make it through this year's list, we'll work on past years' lists.   

For those interested in books, I'd encourage you to check out this blog, written by a children's librarian, who happens to have extraordinarily good taste (she married my brother.)


  1. Oh my, we have checked out some real gems {sarcasm} from the library. I'm pretty excited about library trips this summer though. I did something similar. I had a hard time deciding between several home school curricula for next year. I went through the reading list for the curricula I didn't choose and added them to my "book bag" to be checked out little by little from our local library. Hopefully that will make for more books that we love reading to the kids. I'll have to take a look at your list too!

  2. Don't forget the brown bookshelf and .. what's the other sprouts? You are so smart to start with the beatrix potter and language loaded ones. I'm finally being 'allowed' to intermix those with shortened cat in the hat.

  3. Middle child here too. And yeah, hardly any photos!

    We have one or two kids books that I just can't stand. We get so many books as presents, and while I'm very grateful for people's kindness... there are a few that I wish I could have vetoed for sheer boredom.
