Monday, October 10, 2011

Pictures And Our Very Big Decision

 Haralsons are Michael's favorite kind of apple, hands down.

Deluge of little boy pictures.

Our little boy playing with "Bot-anty, 'tick!"  

And for those of you who aren't my "friend" on facebook: our big news of the week is that I will not be returning to work.  For various reasons this is a very serious exercise in trust in God's provision for us.

It's not a decision we made lightly.  We swayed back and forth between many options.  But this was the decision that was made after a lot of prayer and discussion and commitment to financial sacrifices in our family.

That being said, I will never endorse it as the end-all right decision for every family.  When I was a "younger" wife, and the main bread-winner in our family as I supported my husband through college, a woman made some very hurtful comments about how she found it very improbable for a woman to be a "good wife" and work at the same time.  Those hurtful words have stuck with me and serve many times as a reminder not to make the same mistake she did.  While it's been a lifelong dream and goal of mine to be a stay-at-home mom, I choose to exercise grace to those who cannot afford that option or who honestly do not desire that option.   It takes all kinds, right?

For right now, in my today, I'm so humbled that God and Michael are giving me this chance.  They believe in me enough.  Michael trusts me with the raising and nurturing of his son in a full-time capacity.

Trust me---it's humbling.

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