Monday, September 12, 2011

A Not Cute Day

It was one of those days where nothing was cute.
In fact, most things were the opposite of cute.
Showers hadn't happened because of a plumbing leak.
In fact, we were so not cute that I opted out of going into Target to get a pumpkin spice beverage of choice, and we drove home instead.

The hole in our dining room ceiling because of the leak was not cute, but necessary.

No cuteness to be found in the mess on the floor.

The fact that the leak was eventually fixed was a huge plus.

Million's "plumbing leak" resulting in wet Mama jeans was not cute either.
Not cute at all.

We tried a new recipe that neither Michael nor I liked.  Not cute.

Having to say "gentle hands" for the 4 billionth time in the week that started yesterday morning was not cute.

 Neither were the attitudes which resulted from abovementioned scolding.

But these mugs that Michael bought me?  They're pretty cute.  They're the redemption for the day.

1 comment:

  1. we've had a lot of those lately too. Tough.

    No holes in our ceiling, though. YET.
