Friday, August 26, 2011

Picture-esque Life

There are two reasons Million was in his bear/dog/wolf (we can't decide what it is) suit.
One was an extensive diaper blowout requiring that I reach for the closest outfit. The other was the fact that his behavior was so despicably naughty and irritable, that I needed to put him into something cute to average my opinion of the day out. ("The night Million wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind... and another...")

It worked. Just saying.

This next picture may or may not have been taken the day I semi-forced Million to watch the opening scene from Oklahoma before breakfast.

This is the day when Million and Daddy dressed separately and both decided to wear superhero shirts. Million is giving me what we refer to as the "stink eye." Daddy's looking a little glazed over.
Million is loving Minnesota grass. He thinks it tastes great.
Keeping it real.
This is how it is around here, lately.
The laundry gets cleaned and dried, but not folded.
And very seldom put away.

Today, Michael gave me 15 minutes by myself to switch out Million's clothing sizes in his dresser drawers and to get a pile of unused baby things ready to give to my first nephew or niece who is brewing. I also used that 15 minutes to put Million's laundry away. Because he's the one that's a challenge to dress.

We'll be starting cloth diapering this coming week, as we've run out of disposables. We had to let some parasites die. Actually, we didn't "let" them die. We forced them to die.

I think that's a fairly optimistic clear depiction of our days around here. (Because we don't take pictures of the hazy and pessimistic moments.)

1 comment:

  1. Laundry. You're helping us see through the rosey glow surrounding the idea that "we want to be parents. " :)
