Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Think System

Million is breaking four teeth at the same time: two upper molars, two lower canines.   

Yesterday he endured his first kiss from a girl.  We were playing in the mall play area, to try to find some diverse playmates---or just kids in general---when a 4 or 4-1/2 year-old girl in a tutu/princess outfit ran up to him, kissed him on the cheek, and then ran away.  He was slightly taken aback.  

Yesterday, a wise woman I know shared with me and some other women something that she learned a long time ago, but she has since lost the source.  So it's from someone really smart...but we don't know whom.  The topic we were discussing was how to know if you should say something, or in other words, how to prevent yourself from being rude or tactless.

Her acronym was THINK.  And you thought I was referencing The Music Man based on the title of this post, didn't you?  Come on, admit it.  

T= True... Is it True?
H= Helpful... Is it Helpful?
I= Inspirational... Will it Inspire them?
N= Necessary... Is it necessary to say?
K= Kind.... Is it Kind?

I'm seriously hoping that God will use this acronym in my life to help me choose my words wisely when dealing with situations where my spirit longs to give people the "what for."  I thought it would be a good thing to share with all of you, too! (Ha ha... I'm not saying you're tactless.  I just thought everyone could use a good reminder now and then.)    

The verse that my friend also shared with me was Psalm 141:3 "Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips."

Alas, for shame! There are no cute pictures to be posted today.  

There.  And then three links for the day, although I'm fairly certain most people who read this blog might have already seen this particular blog post.  For those interested in more ideas about a Fair Trade Halloween, see this post.  For those interested in finding Slave-Free chocolate sources see this post. (The latter link is for my future reference.  I'm not trying to soap-box-ize my blog here.) 


  1. I did indeed think of the music man. You got me good!
    -younger bro

  2. I had a friend who often used to say (insert scottish accent:) 'is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If not don't say it!' I've found that really helpful - even though I don't remember it as often as I should. But it's even better with H and I in there too!
