Monday, August 15, 2011

How I'll Screw My Child Up: Alphabet Cards

A dilemma of serious import:

In one of my educational books I read, (I'm pretty sure it was The Well Trained Mind, but please correct me if I'm wrong) the author discouraged alphabet flash cards with pictures on them because children began to associate letter with picture, picture to sound and had to make that extra jump when learning phonics.

And then I was reading Melissa Fay Greene's new book, in the chapter about her son Jesse not having any exposure to signs or alphabet toys caused him a learning detriment in his reading readiness.

So pretty much either way I swing it, I'll mess Million's brain up.
One way, he'll have to make an extra jump in phonics.
And the other way, I'll delay his reading readiness.

I think they're pretty cute anyway.


  1. I'll betchya reading to him every day, multiple times per day, will help him more than alphabet cards. We had the letters on the fridge. And then we had days where we would find every letter "M" or "B" or "D" that we could.

    It's a good thing we live in world where cuteness overrides brain function...

  2. Yeah, but Jesse was what, FOUR? Do it for M if YOU want to, if you'll find it fun. Not doing it at this point definitely isn't going to do him any harm! I hope. Because we sure don't have any yet :)
