Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The sun is shining and melting away the snow.
Before we get 8 to 12 more inches in the next two days.

For school today, I made Million play outside for 45 minutes, under the pretext of observing squirrels.  He did come up with one astute observation that a squirrel "wiggled its bottom and yelled at me."  After he completely soaked himself by washing his hair in our gutter melted snow stream, we cozied up and read a book about squirrel life, communication, and habit.

Science is becoming interesting to me for one of the first times in my life. 

Makes me feel more confident that I can potentially raise intelligent and capable human beings.
Because I know that a squirrel's living space is not called a "nest."  It's a "drey."
Don't get me started on how much I've learned about whales in the last few months. 

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